Storing Mobiele Telefonie (VaMo)


Update van leverancier 16:20

We are currently seeing stable performance by our network, but our engineers are closely monitoring the system status and will continue to do so during the weekend. A new update will be provided when more information is available.


Update vanuit leverancier 14:26

Unfortunately the performance issues of our VAMO services are still ongoing. A new update will be provided at 16:00 or earlier when available.


Update vanuit leverancier 11:56

Unfortunately the performance issues of our VAMO services are still ongoing. A new update will be provided at 14:00 or earlier when available.


Update vanuit leverancier 11:04

We're still experiencing issues with mobile performance. Our engineers are working on a solution. A new update will be provided in an hour or earlier when available.


Sommige gebruikers ondervinden momenteel problemen met hun mobiele telefonie (VaMo) oplossing. Onze leverancier is een onderzoek gestart.

Wij zullen een update plaatsen zodra er meer informatie bekend is.

Excuses voor het ongemak.

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Betrokken onderdelen
  • VoIP Telefonie
    • Mobiel / VaMo